Saturday, October 15, 2011

Invoking Raziel


 The world is full of secrets; big ones, small ones, ones about friends, ones about enemies, and even ones that seem to be about nothing at all.  With all these secrets out there,  it is only natural for one to want to find them out.  some people use force to gain this knowledge, others use reasoning. However, I prefer a much more spiritual method: invocation.  But who would you invoke in order to gain the answer to a secret, especially if the secret is something esoteric itself?  Well, an archangel with the name meaning "Secrets of God" sounds like a pretty good candidate.

[The seal of Raziel] 
Today, (Saturday, October 15th)me and my friend/partner-in-occultism Frater S.'.S.'.E.'.I.'. (This is the Frater O who I mentioned earlier, he recently changed his motto), preformed an invocation of the Archangel  Raziel.  The specific invocation that we preformed was from the book "Keys to the gateway of magic", or more specifically "Dr. Rudd's Nine Celestial Hierarchies".  This ritual had a "celestial key" (in this case, a bottle with Raziel's seal painted on a glass bottle), as opposed to the traditional black mirror/ invocation triangle.  Here's the details and preparation of the ritual:

The first stop in preparation was  finding a good date for the ritual.  We chose Saturday because the the book which we were using listed Raziel as corresponding with Saturn.  Technicaly, this is incorrect, because he corresponds with the sephira Chochma, which in turn corresponds with the zodiacs, not saturn.  however, since there is no day of the week for the zodiacs, we go down the tree of life until we find a sephira with a day corresponding to it, which is Binah, the sphere of saturn.  We would also attempt to preform the ritual in the hour of Saturn.

We made quite a big deal with candles, in my opinion.   we bought two gray candles to represent chochma,  as gray is the color of the saphira chochma and two is it's number.  in addition, we attempted to buy correct candles for the four quarters of the temple.  To find the right ones, we went to the local Botanica (Santeria store)  we were able to find a red candle with "saint Michael, archangel" on it for the south.  The other candles were a bit of a compromise.  For the west,  we were able to find a candle with "saint Gabriel, archangel" on it.  Sadly, it was purple, not blue.  For the north,  we bought a blain black candle.  Unfortunately, it did not have the name Uriel or Auriel on it.  the East, however, was the least accurate.  We asked the man at the botanica if he had any yellow candles with Raphael on them, but there were none in stock.  He said though, that since Raphael was an archangel,  that the white candle with "Holy Guardian Angel" on it would be the closest that we could get.  We ended up getting that one.

[A different 2 sided seal of Raziel]
Because we are both "closeted occultists" so-to-speak (meaning we have to hide out occultism from everyone [hence the name of my blog]), we decided that the best place to preform the ritual would be in a secluded section of the park near both of out houses.  After setting up the temple and donning our robes, we preformed a divination to see if we should continue with the ritual.  The tarot cards said that we should go along, but first we should be ritually cleansed in some sort of way.  To do this, I put water,  a small stone (earth), a wildflower (air [like a rose in the mystic repast of the golden dawn]), and some florida water (representing fire [sort of like Crowley having Abramelin oil representing fire]) in a small container and used this to baptize/anoint ourselves before the ritual.  This is a little non-tradition,  but I think that it works in this situation. I acted as ritualist, and Frater S.'.S.'.E.'.I.'. as the seer.  We preformed LBRP, BRH, Watchtower Ritual,  and began the invocation (pg 152 - 158 of the download I gave as a link in the name of the book).

The ritual went very well.  I almost wish that I were the seer in the ritual, to experience seeing the great archangel Raziel,  who I have always thought of as somewhat connected to.  I am not sure why, but Raziel seems like  the angel who i would associate myself with, and I'm not sure why.   I have not yet recieved knowledge and conversation with my HGA,  but I do not think that it is Raziel.  Sadly,  Raziel told the seer in this ritual not to reveal what was revealed to us,  so I cannot post this.  However, I must say that it is not something that a person could have thought up.  these are clearly archangelic works.
frater s.'.s.'.e.'.i.'. at altar 

The altar with celestial key
Red Michael candle
Gabriel candle
Black (auriel) candle
Guardian Angle candle (Raphael) 
 I'm not a big fan of the religious feeling that the candles give the temple, nor the fact that they call them "saint Gabriel" and "Saint Michael", nor the fact that there are spanish prayers on the side that I cannot understand, but still, the temple feels more authentic with the candles.

in LVX and 93 93/93, Frater R.'.I.'.M.'.R.'.


  1. Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing as much as you did.

    I would like to also comment on the innovative idea of using the bottle with the seal painted on it for the seer. I wonder was a reflective liquid used inside or was the seal the gateway itself? Personally I tend to get impressions and close my eyes to facilitate this this element of ritual invocation.

    If you wanted to follow on from the bottle idea I suppose the appropriate colour candle to the Archangels could be used in plain jam jars with their Hebrew names painted on them?! Just a thought if the added symbolism continues to bug you in Temple.

    Well done again!

  2. Thank you very much! In this ritual, the bottle was empty, but it would make a very interesting experiment to compare the results of invocations using different things inside the bottles. I guess that black ink would make it very similar to a black mirror, but if the seal is painted in black it would be difficult to see. Anyway, great thought about the contents of the bottles! thanks!

    As for the candles, the jam jars are a fantastic idea! not only can they meet ones specifications exactly, but they can be reused! I think that I might do that! thanks again!

    In LVX!

  3. Thanks for the post! I was considering going out and summoning Raziel tonight. You might not have to hide all the time. I've been open with my experiences and people have seemed to be a lot more open to the ideas that I've shared! Of course I talk about it differently with everyone.


    Razor Eddie

  4. Awesome, you should try invoking him, he is very helpful! do you really think i should tell people? perhaps I should try... thanks a lot!

  5. Nice, but without the result of the ritual a bit pointless ImO.
    I mean, since he didn't allow you to share.
    Great stuff though.
