Friday, February 25, 2011

Written Rituals

A Couple of days ago, I was at my friends house.  She was going to have a guitar lesson, so she told me to hide in the shed.  She gave me a blanket, a notebook, and a cinder block to sit on.  The shed felt like it had a very negative energy about it, and I really craved to do LBRP.  The only problem was that the shed was only a few feet wide, so I could barely do the sign of the enterer, let alone an entire ritual.  So, with the few resources that I had, I tried my best.

I decided to do an LBRP in the notebook.  I drew the words in Hebrew as I vibrated them out loud.  when I drew the pentagrams, I visualized them on the page in blue, and as I charged them, I visualized the god names in red as I wrote them on the page.  After that I also did LBRH and Rose Cross Ritual as well.  I now realize that I could have done them all astrally, but I guess it was so cold that this didn't occur to me.  I made some diagrams that are similar to the ones I drew.

Here's LBRP:
Here's LBRH: 
And here's RC: 
These 2D rituals seemed to clear the shed very well, although I'm not sure why.  Shouldn't it have just cleared the page of the notebook?  My theory was that by creating it physically,   I was also creating it astrally, in a way.  I'm not really sure. 

On another note, I've self initiated myself onto the Neophyte grade via "self initiation into the golden dawn tradition".  Very confusing ritual.  The authors are nothing compared to Donald Michael Kraig, who makes everything sound clear and simple.  Had I not already known a little, I would have had no way of knowing how to  preform LBRP without reading past the ritual.  So unclear.  

Also,  my petit library of books relaying to magick has now grown. here it is:  "Modern Magick" by D.M.Kraig,  "Self initiation into the golden dawn tradition" by C. & S.T. Cicero,  "the queen's conjurer" by B. Woolley, which my friend who owned the shed just gave to me because her dad had two copies (don't ask me why),  and these last few are a stretch of the word Magick and Qabalah, rather Kabbalah :  "Magic & Mysteries of Ancient Egypt" by J. Bennett and V. Crowley (coincidence? perhaps not...) which was on my shelf since I was seven (I was obsessed with Egypt for quite a while, so I got my dad to buy me random books. I just rediscovered this one) ,  and volumes one and two of "Kabbalah for the Layman" buy Dr. P. S. Berg, which I bought from a local bookstore yesterday for $2.75 each.  The last two are sortof pushing it, but I think they're still ok books.  


Monday, February 21, 2011

The Qabalistic Cross

During many rituals, such as LBRP, the qabalistic cross is preformed.  It basically consists of making a cross of "divine light" on your body while reciting part off the lords prayer in Hebrew.   I do a very basic and common version of it, but still its the one I trust the most.  This is the cross I use.   But while surfing the internet looking for rituals and the such, I've come across many different versions.  Not all are really the qabalistic cross, but its the same concept.

  The first one I came across on  its a slight variation, just adding one word.  Here it is:
  1. "Touching the forehead, say Ateh.
  2. Touching the base of the throat, say Aiwass.
  3. Touching the breast (or Phallus), say Malkuth.
  4. Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah.
  5. Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah.
  6. Clasping the hands upon the breast, say le-Olam, AMEN."
 The next one is Thelemic It was written  by Crowley and is at the beginning of the star ruby. The message is rather different, in my opinion,  but that is fine. Here it is:

"touch thy forehead and say ΣΟΙ;. thy member, and say Ω  ΦΑΛΛΕ;. thy right shoulder, and say ΙΣΧΥΡΟΣ; thy left shoulder, and say ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΟΣ; then clasp thine hands, locking the fingers, and cry ΙΑΩ."

And a third one.  this one is VERY different from the others in motions, and I have no idea what the words mean.  This is a supposed "Enochian Cross".  I am not an expert in enochian magick, so I still do not understand how this is enochian at all.  Here it is:

  • "Clasp your hands in front of your chest, fingers up.
  • Move your clasped hands up in front of you and let them penetrate the orb of light above your head.
  • Exclaim: "In nomine Patris".
  • Move your hands down again and invert fingers as you pass the chest and continue until you reach the groin.
  • Visualize how the light is being drawn down through your body until you become a pillar of light.
  • Exclaim: "et Filii".
  • Move your hands up again. Invert fingers and stop as you get to the chest. Now thrust your hands towards the north and south quarters to form a cross.
  • Visualize how the light shoots out into your arms so that you turn into a cross of pure light.
  • Exclaim: "et Matri".
  • Move your hands back in and place the right one on top of the left in the form of an "X" on your chest.
  • Visualize an elemental cross in your chest of light.
  • Exclaim: "et Filiae".
  • Feel the light of the cross spread throughout your aura and exclaim: "Amen". "
And one last one which I do not approve of at all, because it is Satanic.  I do not approve of satanism at all, and I do not understand it in any way.  But anyway, here it is:

  1. " Face any preferred direction. Visualize a bright white sphere above the head and vibrate: "AZAZEL!"
  2. Bring down the beam of light to the genitals and vibrate: "BELIAL!"
  3. Up to the middle of the chest, and across to the right shoulder. vibrate: "ASMODEUS!"
  4. To left shoulder, vibrate: "ASTAROTH!"
  5. Clasp hands at the chest, visualizing a bright red reverse pentagram upon the breast (or Hexagram of Alchemy. if known) vibrate: "BAPHOMET!" (or "BAPHO-METIS!") "
 All of there, minus the last one, are valid and interesting. While I prefer the qabalistic one, you may like another one of these.  I'm not sure it they can replace other ones, but I think they all have their own special purposes.  Choose which one works for you.

Frater Rota in medio rotæ

FEB  25,  MMXI

I just found another one from another blog:

"With your dominant hand, draw down energy to your heart chakra from the Universe above you and say: “In the name of the transcendent Star Goddess, Isis Unveiled”
Draw energy up to your heart chakra from the Earth below you and say: “In the name of the immanent Star Goddess, Isis Veiled”
Stretch out your left arm and visualise the left side of the lemniscate flowing out from the heart then back again, and say: “In the names of Nimue, Mari and Anna”
Stretch out your right arm and visualise the right side of the lemniscate flowing out from the heart then back again, and say: “In the names of Dian y Glas, Krom and Arrdu”
Visualise the energy of the lemniscate flowing through you, along with the powers of above and below. Bring your hands to your heart and say the Star Goddess prayer."

This one incorporates  different deities as opposed  to a prayer of some sort.  I am not totally decided about this one. 

My Introduction


I have started this blog in order to express myself and find those in the world like me.  I am a young teenager, living in a house of magick hating parents.  I work within the darkness of the night, where the slumber of others is my only shield.  I would first like to make it clear that I am not Wiccan, or pagan in any way, nor am I a practitioner of Thelema.  I am Jewish, and I will go no further into that right now.  My source of magick learning is from internet sights such as, as well as the small library of pdf's and the few physical books that I have, currently being "modern magick" by Donald Michael Kraig and "self initiation into the golden dawn tradition" by Chic Cicero and  Sandra Tabatha Cicero.  The reason for my lack of books is my minute amount of pocket change, as wel as spending as much money as would not make my parrents suspicious. I am more or less alone in my magickal workings, aside from one of my friends who I will call Frater O for now, who seems to be more interested in shamanism and druidism than ceremonial magick.  I also have many of my own theories about the qabalah and otherwise, mainly revolving around something I call the Ḥayah, which I will attempt to explain a bit later. 

Well, the motto that I chose was Frater R∴I∴M∴R∴,  which stands for Rota in medio rotae.  I Think that this translates to "a wheel in the midst of a wheel" in latin.  this quote comes from the part of the bible Ezekiel, which I think is where the four kerubs are from (correct me if I'm wrong).  I am not religious at all, but I still find this part of the Bible amazing, as I have for quite a while. 

I know that I will probably end up with no one reading this blog, but I needed to get it out.  I hope to find people in the magical world who share my opinions.  If you happen to stumble upon this blog, tell it to a fellow occultist.

Frater Rota in medio rotae.